Wednesday 1 September 2010

Cambridge and my research

I am off to Cambridge tomorrow to Homerton College for a conference entitled The Emergent Adult which is being organised by Maria Nikolajeva (a member of the editorial board of Write4Children). This is the first time I have taken part in a conference like this and am really looking forward to it but also slightly nervous about the whole thing. We had to submit our papers by the 1st of July. They have been available online for everyone to read and also a discussant will lead the session. Instead of presenting your paper (as everyone will have already read it) you have ten minutes to talk about your research and then twenty minutes for questions. Methinks this could be good practice for my final viva! The other papers look fascinating. I think this is going to be a wonderful conference.
Meg Rosoff is going to speak on Friday and I am really looking forward to hearing her as I love her books but also she has been very supportive with my own writing for which I am very grateful. Another friend Teri is going to the conference so at least I will have moral support. lol
I am also taking the opportunity to catch up with a good friend who started her MA with me. Looking forward to it Jen and seeing Toby and Jessica.
I love Cambridge but it is years since I have been there. Can't wait!

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