What I did want to talk about was an epiphany I had, probably one that has already occurred to you, but I wanted to share my version. I am lucky enough to write books for children and I also teach people who wish to write books for children. At the moment the world is full of doom and gloom and austerity, not a good place to be a writer you would think. However, (here's my epiphany) with all these babies being born (and will continue to be born) there is always going to be a need for children's books whether they are the hard copy or an e-copy! Children will need books, good stories that wrap them in a hug, stories that challenge their view on the world and stories that provide sanctuary to escape into. Perhaps, therefore, being a children's writer (aspiring or published) is a good place to be because you know there will always (or maybe eventually) be a market for your work.
So keep writing, don't stop, the children need you!
This is the 'Candy Man' as sung by Sammy Davis Jnr. It was used in the film of Charlie and Chocolate Factory, one of my favourite books and films but also the Candy Man epitomises what it is to be a children's author 'who can make tomorrow and put it in a dream'. Enjoy